Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

Pediatric Advanced Life Support

Course Description:

The PALS Course, updated to reflect the 2015 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC, is the AHA’s advanced pediatric life support course. The goal of the PALS Course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children, resulting in improved outcomes. This classroom, Instructor-led course teaches the critical concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, adequate resuscitation, and team dynamics.

Target audience :


what will I learn ?

  • Perform high-quality Child CPR AED and Infant CPR per AHA BLS recommendations
  • Differentiate between patients who do and do not require immediate intervention
  • Recognize cardiopulmonary arrest early and begin CPR within 10 seconds
  • Apply team dynamics
  • Differentiate between respiratory distress and failure
  • Perform early interventions for respiratory distress and failure
  • Differentiate between compensated and decompensated (hypotensive) shock
  • Perform early interventions for the treatment of shock
  • Differentiate between unstable and stable patients with arrhythmias
  • Describe clinical characteristics of instability in patients with arrhythmias
  • Implement post-cardiac arrest management

Frequently Asked Questions

Of course, there are obvious reasons:
Your Country or employer may require this. Additionally, the more important reasons are:

  • you want to save lives If you have and hold an PALS certification, you can. PALS certification requirements and policies are constantly changing and evolving. This is why you must recertify every 2 years.

Technology and research are always introducing new and better methods, so staying up-to-date is key to continuing to save lives.

Heartcode learning combines the strengths of online learning and in-classroom training. Among its many qualities, PALS Heartcode provides a convenient, flexible and robust option for busy health professionals and emergency responders. This option is particularly feasible when balancing the demands of working and learning are critical, such as during a global pandemic!

Powered using a new, user-friendly online learning platform, PALS Heartcode teaches the same curriculum and hones the same skills as our traditional, instructor-led course – but on average, it takes less time to complete. A Heartcode course is divided into two parts: 

Part 1: Online: a self-paced, cognitive learning and assessment program with easy access to a rich array of resources, activities, learning videos, knowledge checks and an electronic exam. Once you have completed the first part of the program you will move on to the in-person portion. 

Part 2: In-class: an instructor-led, classroom-based session where you will benefit from ample opportunity for hands-on skills practice, expert coaching, debriefing, team scenarios and comprehensive skills testing.

In the 2020 PALS Provider Course, students will learn and practice
- Performing child and infant CPR
- Using oxygen delivery and airway management equipment
- Establishing intraosseous (IO) access and a method for giving rapid fluid boluses
- Using electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring
- Providing defibrillation/cardioversion
Pediatric assessment: A systematic approach
Medical management:
- 4 types of acute respiratory problems
- 4 types of acute circulatory problems
- 4 types of acute cardiac problems, including cardiac arrest
Leadership: Communication and other important elements of team dynamics as they relate to

Approximate times are as follows:
HeartCode BLS: 1-3 hours
HeartCode ACLS: 5-6 hours
HeartCode PALS: 4-5 hours

This is the manual provided by the American Heart association

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